In a similar fashion, worship is a team sport. By myself I can read God’s Word. By myself I can pray. But I can’t fully worship or have a church service in isolation. Worship requires other members of the team. Some team members prepare God’s word and help apply it to my life. Other team members participate with me in the Lord’s Supper, rejoicing together in the special gifts given. Some team members respond with me singing songs and praying. By my presence I encourage other team members in faith, and by their presence they encourage me. In worship I cheer the good things God is doing, and I cheer on my fellow teammates. When a teammate falls, I and others help pick him up. And when I falter, the team is there for me. Even through my baptism I am connected, not just in a relationship with Jesus, but also with others who are part of Christ’s church. And in the Lord’s Supper, I receive the blessing of the Lord’s presence, but it also provides a special connection with my fellow worshippers, as Christ is also in them. And so I can have certain elements of worship in isolation, but worship is designed by God to be conducted in a group.
I like the illustration that comes from hot coals in a wood stove. If I remove a red hot coal from my wood stove and place it on the tile floor, the red coal will soon turn black, and very quickly cool down. Our faith is like that coal. If we remove it from other people of faith, our faith will cool down, and might even die. The good news is that if I place that darkened coal back into the wood stove it quickly becomes red hot again. We also, as we are brought into, or stay with, God’s people in worship, experience a greater intensity in our faith.
Can’t I worship God out in His Creation?
Almost every day I see the Catskill Mountains and the awesome beauty of God’s creation. In my soul there wells up praise and thankfulness for God’s creation. Praise and thanksgiving are surely a part of worship, yet there are other very important parts of worship that are not quite captured by nature. Enjoying God’s creation I could easily forget my own sinfulness and my need for a Savior; I could easily forget what my Savior Jesus did on the cross to give me His costly forgiveness; I could easily forget that the Lord calls me to love and serve others; I could easily forget that God asks me to care for His creation and for those who are in need. Although I become deeply inspired by God’s wondrous creation, I become more deeply inspired by His love - a love so great that he gave His Son to death for me.
Isn’t church boring?
A 10-year-old boy named Aaron went on a six-week trip with his family to Europe. When he returned I asked him, “Aaron, how did you like Europe?” He responded rather dolefully, “Boring”. I guess I can understand how a 10-year-old boy can get bored, even in Europe. So I can understand how church can be boring for those who may not understand it, those who
are not fully integrated into worship. Some “very evil” people have even accused my sermons of being boring!! Can you imagine that??
Worship can be extraordinarily uplifting as I look for:
٠God taking away my grievous sin.
٠My guilt being lifted.
٠God telling me once again he loves me and his story of salvation.
٠God directing my life and giving me purpose.
٠Singing songs sung by previous generations in all kinds of situations.
٠Hope given to a defeated spirit.
٠Acceptance given to a lost soul.
٠Love and healing given to a wounded person.
Most of the great drama shows on television involve rescue of one sort or another. Worship always involves rescue: God rescuing His people, God rescuing you. In the structure of worship, in the Scripture readings, in the songs, in the preaching, in the Lord’s Supper, we experience once again the incredible rescue that God gives through Jesus. And this is your rescue! There is nothing more dramatic than that.
The thrill of a special effects movie lasts about as long as the closing credits run on the screen. The excitement and tension of an overtime game lasts for a few hours. The adrenalin rush of a rock concert lasts till the next morning. But as a person gets acquainted with worshiping on a regular basis, there is a comfort that endures, there is a power that motivates to action, and there is a peace that is eternal. The entertainment that our society offers is like an exciting roller coaster ride – a real rush but quickly over. A worship service is not entertainment. Never ask the question, “How was church?” as if we are judging it like a movie. But you may ask “What did God give you in worship?”, for God gives various gifts in worship. Don’t merely look for the performance: the preaching and the music, but look for the gifts God gives. The gifts God gives are rescue, forgiveness, life, peace, hope, strength, and the gift of Himself. Don’t miss the gifts!
PRAYER: Lord God, I don’t know if I could go and worship with other people. I wonder what they’d think of me. I wonder if they would accept me. I wonder if it would have any relevance for my life. Give me the faith I need to see that worship can be a vital part of my spiritual life, where I receive precious gifts from you, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
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