You can’t change yourself enough to please God. In one way or another, self-centeredness and sin infects every thought you think, every sentence you speak, every deed you do. Christians are by no means exempt from the infection of sin. From the day a person comes to faith to the day he dies, sin will be present in their life. The main message of Christianity and of the Bible is that through Jesus’ death and resurrection, you are forgiven all your sin. Having been forgiven you receive a new life in which Jesus is Lord (or you might say, leader). So now the question becomes, “What cleaning up does the Lord want to do in my life?”

Think of your life as like an imperfect house that Jesus loves so much that he purchased for a high price. Jesus sheds his blood to buy that house and then moves in right away, because he loves the house. But some significant problems with the house must be addressed. Jesus might first tackle the leaky roof. Perhaps patching an area, or putting on a whole new roof. Next he might repair the cracks in the foundation, placing some new mortar, shoring it up with some supports. These major fixes need to take place before Jesus even considers other repairs. Then perhaps Jesus might turn to the kitchen – painting the walls and ceiling, putting in a new tile floor, replacing the countertop, stove & sink. Slowly, Jesus goes through the whole house, one room at a time. But, although Jesus is a master carpenter, the house never becomes perfect. There’s always another project, always a system that needs repair, always a room that needs attention. Jesus’ work on the house never ends, but he joyfully tackles one project at a time because he loves the house and wants it to be in the very best condition.

What do we learn from the illustration of your life as like a house?

  1. Jesus paid a large price for your life.
  2. Jesus loves you dearly.
  3. As you become a Christian, you belong to Jesus and He lives in you.
  4. Jesus is pleased to move into your life no matter what condition it is in.
  5. Jesus does not knock down your life and start all over. He created you from the beginning. He gave you your unique personality. He lovingly seeks to amend and improve, not to ruin and hurt.
  6. Jesus starts working in you and with you to make changes in areas of your life that are destructive to you and others.
  7. As with all repair jobs, sometimes things may get worse for awhile before they get better.
  8. Jesus doesn’t try to change everything all at once.
  9. Jesus works on other areas of your life over the course of time.
  10. Jesus’ work in your life is never complete, but He lovingly works with you and in you all the days of your life.
  11. In the meantime, you and Jesus enjoy a wonderful relationship as you get to know him more and more.
  12. When you get to heaven Jesus completes His work and you are perfected, without sin forevermore.

Is the Christian Life boring?
This is an odd question to me because I am a Christian and don’t consider a single part of my life boring. My marriage and family life are vibrant with many joys and challenges. My work-life is rewarding and always has unexpected twists and turns and challenges. My personal life inside my heart and mind is one of continual growth, optimism and hope.

Let me try to address this question from a statement of Jesus. Jesus says, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10b). The abundant life is one that is filled with love -- the love of God for you and the love of God working in you to love others. The abundant life is filled with challenges, as, day by day, the Lord challenges you to trust him and to step out in faith. The abundant life is filled with hope. We know that God is working through both good and bad circumstances for our ultimate good. And we know that no matter how bleak things may appear on earth, in Christ it will turn out just fine in the end. The abundant life is filled with meaning - each hour, each day, each year, has meaning - and we know that our lives have eternal worth. The Christian may be a doctor, a nurse, or a custodian, but still have this abundant life. The Christian may be married or single, but still have this abundant life. A Christian may be rich or poor, but still have this abundant life. I’ve been a Christian all my life and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

PRAYER: Lord God, you have made my life and through Jesus you desire to remake my life. Help me to begin to understand how you want to work in my life now and for eternity. Help me to trust that you want to work for my ultimate good. Through Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

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