The Bible is the account of God creating people, people rebelling against God (sinning) and God seeking to save his people. Over and over in the Bible we see people sinning against God and sinning against one another. In this way the Bible is similar to the headlines of today: lies, betrayals, murders, thefts, selfishness, greed, revenge, adultery, and just about every other form of corruption you can think of. But most importantly, the Bible (encompassing both the Old and New Testaments) describes God's effort of saving people from the power of sin and the power of death. Time and time again God brings help, forgiveness, and life to his people afflicted by sin and death. This effort culminates in God sending his only Son, Jesus Christ, into our world. The Old Testament describes God working to save the Hebrew people and preparing them for their important role of bringing forth the Messiah (another word for the Savior, Jesus). The New Testament describes Jesus' birth, his mission to save all people, his teaching, his miracles, his suffering, his death, and his resurrection. The New Testament focuses on the death and resurrection of Jesus because this is the way in which forgiveness, new life and salvation are offered to each person.

The Bible makes clear that it is not by our own efforts, by our own keeping of God's commands, or by our own good deeds that we can be forgiven and eternally saved. The Bible makes it clear, as in John 3:16 ("For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."), that it is through faith in Jesus that we are forgiven and given the promise of eternal life. The Bible could be summarized as a book that describes our sinful condition, but even more it is a book that describes the only way of salvation through faith in Jesus the Savior.

Understanding and Interpreting The Bible.
There are at least five ways that people view the Bible:

                1. The Bible is a book of myths and fables.
                2. The Bible is a moral book which teaches us right from wrong.
3. The Bible is a book of ancient mysteries, beyond our understanding or application.
                4. The Bible is a book containing old thoughts, which needs to be
continually updated by contemporary society.
5. The Bible is a book from God which describes his plan of salvation for all people.

If you've selected your view of the Bible as number 5, it would be close to the way the Bible views itself. The Bible describes itself as the unchangeable, eternal word of God (written through human beings) to give God's plan for saving people.

How we view the Bible really impacts how we interpret it. If we view the Bible as #1, #2, #3, or #4 above, we can interpret the Bible any way we choose. And in that light the Bible can say anything that we want it to say.

If we view the Bible as #5 above, then we will carefully read and apply its truths as God, the author, intended. Yes, there will be some differences of opinion among all those who select #5 above, but most of the scriptures will be seen and understood in a common perspective.

As we view the Bible from the perspective of #5 above, we will read it and experience God's communication to us. We will find in it God's forgiveness, God's strength, God's guidance, and the sure hope of eternal life God offers us. We will seek to believe it and to follow it. And as we read and follow it, Jesus reminds us of the wonderful blessing available for each one of us through it: "Blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it" (Luke 11:28). The best way to learn, study and experience God's truths in the Bible is through the preaching of a Christian church and to study with a group. It is very difficult to study the Bible alone without having some fundamental understanding of it yourself. In a way, it's like driving a car. You need someone to teach you the basics and take you out on the roads before you can drive on your own. But we never stop growing in receiving God's word and the blessings thereof.

How to Read the Bible
Here are a few thoughts in learning how to read the Bible:

1. Use a Bible with contemporary English language. Your grandmother’s King James Bible is great, but it is difficult to understand the old language. An easy reading Bible like the New International Version or the English Standard Version is helpful. Study Bibles have footnotes that are very helpful, also.

2. Before you read, pray: “Lord, open my heart to the message you have for me today.”

3. Begin your reading with simpler books of the New Testament. Don’t plan on reading the Bible like other books, from cover to cover. Start with Matthew or John. Then try Genesis, then Acts, then Psalms. Complicated books like Revelation or Daniel can wait for a Bible class.

4. Get help from others. Be a part of a Bible Study group. Be in touch with a pastor or someone else who knows the scriptures to help you when you have a question.

5. Read looking for the Savior. The Bible speaks of the Savior and Salvation. It points to our sin and points to the Savior.

6. Read daily, but not so much. Better to savor a little, reading prayerfully, rather than force a whole lot in.

7. Record by pen and pad a truth, a promise or a command you received. Write down important questions to ask someone who may know.

8. Don’t worry that you don’t understand all that you read. You will learn more as you grow in understanding the faith and the history of the Bible times.

9. Put into action the truths that you learn. As God teaches you, follow His Word. Forgive those who hurt you, show mercy to those in need, speak the truth with love, place your sins on Jesus, trust Him for eternal life, and so forth.

10. Keep track and memorize favorite bible passages. You will want to recall certain Bible passages. Write them down and commit them to memory. You will find a great comfort at certain times in recalling God’s Word.

The Bible is the all time best selling book. I hope that you make it the best read book of your life. You will find the greatest blessing as you read it and put it into practice.

PRAYER: Dear God, thank you that you have communicated to us through Your Word, the Bible. Help me to grow to understand your communication, particularly the saving news, the forgiving news, the hope-filled news of Jesus. Amen.

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