The death and resurrection of Jesus is central to the message of the Christian Church. The death and resurrection of Jesus is central to His mission of salvation.
One of the writers in the Bible, named Paul, examines what it would mean if Jesus had not risen from the dead (found in 1 Corinthians 15:14-20). This perspective is helpful in considering the evidence. If Jesus had not risen from the dead, then Paul says the following must be true:
1.     Preaching about Jesus is a waste (of course, hearing such preaching would be an even greater waste).
2.     Believing in Jesus is utterly useless.
3.     Those who preach about Jesus are liars or badly deceived.
4.     Anyone trusting in Jesus is not forgiven of their sins.
5.     Those who died trusting in Jesus are totally lost and will not live eternally in heaven with God.
6.     Those who trust in Jesus are to be pitied more than any people.

Then Paul asserts the fact that Christ has risen (Paul actually met the risen Christ, so he ought to know). Because Christ has risen, the opposite of the above is true:

1.       Preaching about Jesus is most beneficial (of course, hearing such preaching would be of even greater value).
2.       Believing in Jesus is of infinite worth.
3.       Those who preach of Jesus’ resurrection are speaking the truth.
4.       Those trusting in Jesus are forgiven of their sins.
5.       Those who died trusting in Jesus are completely saved and will live eternally in heaven with God.
6.       Those who trust in Jesus are more blessed than any people.

Now, consider a few thoughts about evidence. First, the evidence of historical persons. For example, what evidence is there for George Washington’s existence?

Writings (but they could be forgeries)
Paintings (anyone can sit for a painting)
Newspaper articles (reporters could lie!)
Crossing of the Delaware River at Trenton (a Christmas myth)
Mount Vernon (do you know anyone who saw George sleeping there?)
History teachers and books (deceived by all the above)

If you want to believe that George Washington was a mythological first president, you can deny the vast preponderance of evidence and never be convinced!
There is plenty of evidence for Jesus’ life, His death, and His resurrection. But no matter what evidence is presented, you can deny it and never be convinced.

Evidence for Jesus’ death (prior to burial):

1.       Jesus was beaten and whipped almost to the point of death even before being nailed to the cross.
2.       Roman soldiers were experts in crucifixion, and no one was accidently taken down from the cross still alive.
3.       Historians of that day report of Jesus’ death.
4.       Those at the cross tell of his death.
5.       Those who placed him in the tomb would not have done so if they noticed any signs of life.
6.       All his followers either witnessed or heard of his death.
7.       To this day no reputable scholars dispute his death by crucifixion.
8.       Is it believable that Jesus was not dead when placed in the tomb? A few have speculated that Jesus, although in critical condition, was revived in the tomb, pushed the huge stone out of the way, escaped from the soldiers guarding the tomb, got back to the disciples and proclaimed his own resurrection. This scenario is not realistic and is only believed by a few Hollywood conspiracy theorists!

Here are 10 of the pieces of evidence for Jesus’ resurrection:

1.       The Empty Tomb: No witness of that day or scholar of this day disputes that the tomb where he was buried was empty that first Easter Sunday. If the tomb had contained His body, that would have been the end of story.
2.       The Missing Body: Who could have taken the body? If the Roman or Jewish leaders took the body, they would have publicly revealed it to end this Christian movement that they were trying to stamp out. If the disciples took the body, would they go proclaiming Jesus’ resurrection and then go through persecution, imprisonment, torture and death for what they knew to be a hoax?
3.       The Transformation of the Disciples: The four Gospel reporters describe the disciples as despondent and fearful men after Jesus’ crucifixion. Something dramatically changed them into fearless, bold, joyful, hopeful men who risked life and limb to tell others that Jesus was alive. Only the resurrection explains this sudden transformation.
4.       The Suffering and Death of the Disciples: People will die for what they believe is true. We see that in the Islamic suicide bombers who believe they will automatically enter heaven. People will not die for what they know to be a lie. The 11 remaining disciples were in the unique position to know the truth of Jesus’ resurrection. All were tortured and imprisoned for proclaiming Christ was alive. All but one (John) were killed for proclaiming Christ was alive. Men don’t give up everything for what they know to be a lie, but these men gave up everything for what they uniquely knew to be the truth.
5.       The Eye Witness Accounts: Over 500 people at different times and different locations saw the Risen Lord. Most all were not looking for or hoping to see Him, He just appeared to them and “shocked the heaven into them.”
6.       The Early Reports: The resurrection of Jesus was not a myth that developed decades or centuries after a good man died. From the very start, His death and resurrection was the central message of the faith. No sane person in our day really believes Elvis is still alive, because a myth is so easily disprovable at its beginning.
7.       The Dramatic Transformation of Paul: Paul was the leading enemy of the early church (after Jesus’ death, resurrection, & ascension). He was eager to imprison
and kill Christians. In one day (the day he was confronted by the risen Jesus)
Paul had a sudden change. He then began proclaiming that he saw the risen
Christ and that Jesus indeed rose from the dead. Paul became the leading proclaimer of the risen Christ, experiencing torture, imprisonment, death threats, and finally martyrdom. Nothing can explain the sudden change in this ferocious opponent of the faith, except an encounter with the Risen Christ.
8.       The Explosion of the Church in Jerusalem: The followers of Jesus were few in number at the time of His death. Within weeks after His death and resurrection, the church grew by leaps and bounds. In the very city where He died, the church took off. The resurrection explains this illogical and amazing turn of events.
9.       The Sudden Change in the Day of Worship: For at least 14 centuries, the Jewish people worshiped on Saturday, the last day of the week. Suddenly, the Jewish followers of Christ began worshiping on Sunday, the first day of the week. Why this sudden cultural shift? Only the powerful miracle of the resurrection of Jesus on Sunday explains such a shift from the religious standard.
10.    The Blessings Experienced Today: The resurrection of Jesus is not just a past event. Today, the Risen Lord still brings His blessings into the lives of millions of Christians. Jesus brings His forgiveness, His love, His presence, His guidance to our lives. He gives faith, answers prayers, speaks through His Word, gives His power and presence in the Lord’s Supper. In fact, Jesus says, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10b). Yes, the wonders of the resurrection continue today. Just ask one of his followers and they will tell you too.

This is a brief answer to a most important question. Books have been written on this topic. One such book written by a former Chicago Tribune reporter, Lee Strobel, is The Case for Christ. The author was an outspoken unbeliever, and for two years, investigated the death and resurrection of Jesus. After his investigation, Lee Strobel concluded that it would take more faith to deny the resurrection than to believe it!

The evidence is strong for the death and resurrection of Jesus. But God still asks us to trust Him for what Jesus accomplished for us: forgiveness of sins and eternal life. No matter how strong the evidence, faith is still required.

Prayer: O God, if it is true that Jesus rose from the dead, that will be a game changer for me. It will change what I believe about life and eternal life. Give to me whatever I need so that I may know the truth, Your Truth. Amen

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