Is it unreasonable to believe that God exists? Every culture has some belief in a god, goddesses, or gods. Would we say that every culture is unreasonable in this way? Every person asks where they come from and who made them. Is it  reasonable today that I, you, all people, and all things came to existence from nothing? How reasonable does that sound? It takes a significant amount of faith to believe that story. It is reasonable to believe that God exists. Brilliant people of all ages and cultures have and still do believe in God’s existence. It is most unreasonable to believe that something comes from nothing. It is most reasonable to believe in a Creator, that from Him comes all things.

Is it unreasonable to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and our Savior? On first examination, it may appear unreasonable. When people heard Paul (an early follower of Jesus) proclaim that Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead for forgiveness and life, some laughed at Paul and some thought that it was utter foolishness. Paul reminded his listeners that the wisdom of each age soon fades as new thoughts come to bear. He said that the “foolishness of God” (giving Jesus as Savior) is wiser that the wisdom of man. Paul states that the cross is the wisdom of God and the power of God for salvation. The cross of Christ is not against reason, but the mercy of God shown in the cross of Christ is certainly above our reason.

There are many other dynamics of faith that may appear to be unreasonable, such as hearing or reading the Word of God, Baptism, the Lord’s Supper, prayer, doing good things for others, and giving money for the Lord’s work. Each of these appears to be foolish. But each is a way of receiving God’s mercy or a way of responding to God’s mercy. It is not unreasonable that God would provide ways to receive His mercy. It is not unreasonable for people to respond to God’s mercy. The Christian life is one of receiving God’s mercy and responding to God’s mercy, a very reasonable thing to do.

The Christian faith is never against reason. God is the Creator of the human mind and the laws of logic, and is very much for the use of reason and logic. But reason and logic cannot explain all things. Reason and logic play good supporting roles to the main character of faith. The things of God are received by faith. The things of God are not contrary to reason and logic, but often rise above reason and logic, apprehended only by faith.

Is faith just a crutch for the weak?
I was a physical therapist before becoming a pastor. All physical therapists take a course called “Gait Training”. That course examines the movements and muscles associated with normal gait pattern, the many causes of an abnormal gait, and various therapeutic ways to improve the gait pattern. One tool that was used to improve or enable walking, was a crutch. Whether in the form of a cane, walker, under-arm crutch, or forearm crutch, a crutch permited ambulation for injured people. Of course, there were injured patients who were too proud to use a crutch. They insisted on trying to walk without a crutch. But with a broken ankle, or paralysis of quadriceps (thigh muscle) you are not going to get very far. The crutch was then accepted for as long as it was needed. A crutch, needed and appropriately employed, is a wonderful tool which should not be disparaged.

Faith is a crutch!!! Faith is a crutch for those who are broken by sin and those who are afflicted by death. Faith is a crutch which enables sinners to walk through life without the crushing load of guilt, without the hobbling effect of sin. Faith is a crutch which enables those burdened and wounded by the trials of life to find strength and healing. Faith is a crutch which enables the person with the cancer of selfishness to have their gait pattern altered by love and generosity. Faith is a crutch which enables the hopelessly handicapped person to walk with a spring in his step. Faith is a crutch which enables the mortally wounded person to walk with the sure hope of eternal life.

Do you need the crutch of faith? Is sin present in your life? Do you have scars or wounds from the hurts of life? Does selfishness sap the joy out of your life? Is death around you? Does your pride keep you from using a crutch? Would you be embarrassed to be seen with a crutch? Would others laugh at you if they saw you with a crutch? 

Faith is a crutch for which this physical therapist himself is very thankful. Take it from a physical therapist, if the crutch fits … use it!

Prayer: O God, a part of me sees that faith in you is a wise thing. But a part of me struggles. And I wonder what others would think if I committed myself to you. But you still reach out to me offering me the assistance I need. Help me get past the pride that resists you. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen

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