The church, as a human organization, is made up of and led by sinful people. Over the past 2,000 years the church has shamefully led or been associated with terrible evils, such as the Crusades, The Inquisition, anti-Semitism, and witch-hunts. As the church leadership gets in bed with the governmental leadership, as has happened in European history, there is awful corruption of the church. Of course, this church-state association and the resulting corruption, was never intended by Jesus.

In addition to the institutional corruption that has at times plagued the church, there is also individual corruption which continually plagues the church. Examples today of this individual corruption are the priest abuse scandal, church members pilfering from the offering, pastors involved in drug, alcohol or sexual sins. A lot of pain and heartache has resulted through this individual corruption. Of course, when a prominent local religious leader, or a national religious figure falls, the publicity shames the church. And then there are the resulting effects of that individual corruption upon innocent victims, which can undermine or destroy their faith in God and bring great psychological harm. Churches today have all kinds of safeguards to prevent and avoid individual corruption, but sin still has its ugly way.

Not to minimize all the evil and sin mentioned above, but we can examine any other human organization and also observe great wickedness and evil. Our own government, The United States of America, and its past treatment of African Americans and Native Americans illustrates the point. We can cite many other corruptions, many other examples of evil and sin in our own country’s history. Yet we live, I believe, in the best nation ever on earth. If you examine the evil effects of atheist communism over the past 90 years and compare it to the evils of the church over the last 2,000 years, the church will appear angelic. Every human organization has failed in many ways, and the church is no exception. But if you compare the large scope of the church and its long history, the record of the church will be morally superior to most other human organizations. That said, it still does not excuse the evils that have been done.

What good has the church done?

It’s easy to point out the historical corruption and evil of the church. The church usually does not try to “blow its own horn” and brag about what it has accomplished. Yet the church has accomplished incredible good things over the last 2,000 years. I cannot begin to cite all, but here mention just a few.

The Needy: Over the generations the church has been the lead agency of concern for the poor, the blind, the deaf, the elderly, and orphans. Untold numbers of Christian institutions and organizations have in the past and still today testify to this fact. Today many local churches house a food pantry, clothing ministry, job ministry and support other Christian organizations which help those who are in need. The church always rallies together when a natural disaster strikes in our world, and is usually one of the leading contributors to alleviate the suffering.

Education: The church established many of the colleges in our society. Some are now no longer affiliated with the church that started it. The church has provided much impetus for our
public education program. The church has educated many through Protestant and Catholic schools.
Hospitals: Have you ever heard of Atheist General Hospital? But you have heard of hospitals with names such as St. Peter, St. Jude, St. Mary’s, the Methodist Hospital, the Lutheran Hospital. Many nursing homes also have had their start from faith-based communities.

Immigrants: Millions of immigrants down through the ages have been welcomed and greeted and supported by the church. Still today the church brings compassionate care to immigrants from all over the world.

The Family: Family is the fundamental unit of society. Who supports the institution of the family? The church is the lead supporter of the family. The church has helped millions of families to stay together in the midst of difficult moments. The family is the greatest anti-poverty program, mental health program, care for the elderly program, care for the sick program. The church is the one organization that supports the family through all the ups and downs of the family life cycle.

Individual Rights: The church sees each person as created by God and therefore sacred in God’s eyes. The church, therefore, supports the right to life of each person from womb to tomb, and has championed such noble causes as women’s rights, civil rights, etc.

Spiritual Blessings: We cannot begin to count the incredible hope and strength given to people through the church. We cannot measure the forgiveness given, nor the gift of eternal life given. Yet, those blessings continue on and on through all eternity. Each person saved through the Word of God proclaimed by the church has an earthly hope and an eternal home – what a great gift!!!.

As you can see, the church has struggled with corruption, but also has done immeasurable good. As a pastor of the church, I speak on behalf of myself and others. We seek God’s forgiveness and the forgiveness of others for harm done. We are thankful for the good done down through the ages that continues today. I hope and pray that this booklet, written and printed with the cooperation of the church, brings to you the highest gifts of God.

PRAYER: Lord God, help me be honest in my assessment of myself as a person and of my assessment of other institutions, including the church. Forgive me where I have been hypocritical and hurtful of others, as an individual or as part of any organization. Help me see your hand at work through the church and other organizations. Show me ways that I can be a part of helping, rather than hurting others, through whatever means are available to me. Through Jesus, Your Son. Amen.

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